Athison is proud to announce the new store inside the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum in Milan. In the heart of the Milanese luxury district, you can now visit the newly renovated Boutique, which will welcome visitors entering Via Gesù 5 with a new look thanks to the use of Oxilla materials. The walls are characterized by a bright weave in golden copper, while the entrance desk and product display areas are embellished with details in woven leather.

Manifattura di Domodossola has created a rich variety of exclusive merchandising for the Museum under its Athison brand. This includes a keychain with an embossed punch featuring the Bagatti Valsecchi crest and a bracelet with three Latin phrases chosen from the mottos found in various rooms of the Museum.

Nothing is left to chance, and there will also be the possibility to match your purchases with an exclusive packaging created ad hoc: a tin box with relief that replicates the covering of Fausto Bagatti Valsecchi’s study. In addition to the brand’s flagship accessories, a capsule collection of four bags in three color variants with a weave inspired by the decoration of the Hall of Honor will be presented. Inspired by the sophistication and elegance that has characterized the Bagatti Valsecchi brothers’ choice of furnishings for their home since the late nineteenth century, the Museum reaffirms itself with the new store as a place of fashion and lifestyle.

Tradition, craftsmanship, style, research and development, culture, and beauty are some of the key concepts we pursue that perfectly align with the style and mission of the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum.

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